Mgr. art. Robert Karovič
1979, Michalovce member
Základná škola, Michalovce
SPŠ Chemická, Humenné
Vysoká škola múzických umení, Bratislava
FTF, odbor strihová skladba
Selected filmography
2020 - Everest, the Hard Way

DIRECTOR: Pavol Barabáš
PRODUCER: K2 studio s.r.o.
Documentary | 52 min. | SK | 2020
ROLE: editor
2020 - Cena TV Noe - Medzinárodný festival outdoorových filmov
2020 - Cena divákov - BBK Mendi Film Festival, Bilbao,
2020 - Grand Prix - Medzinárodný festival horských filmov Poprad
2020 - Grand Prix -Echo Mountain Film Festival, Macedónsko
2020 - Best Adventure - Medzinárodný festival horských filmov SHH Ushuaia
2020 - Grand Prix - Medzinárodný horolezecký filmový festival
2020 - Cena Poľského horolezeckého klubu - Moc Gór
2020 - Salto is the King

DIRECTOR: Pavol Barabáš
PRODUCER: K2 studio s.r.o.
Documentary | 64 min. | SK | 2020
ROLE: editor
2020 - Najlepší dobrodružný film, Medzinárodný festival horských filmov Poprad
2020 - Najlepší film o prírode a objavovaní, Festival horských filmov Ladek Zdroj
2019 - Svetozár Stračina

DIRECTOR: Pavol Barabáš
PRODUCER: K2 studio s.r.o.
Documentary | 68 min. | SK | 2019
ROLE: editor
2020 - Strieborný turoň - Etnofilm
2020 - Cena študentskej poroty - Moc Gór
2018 - Monster
2018 - Spirit of Jaguar

DIRECTOR: Pavol Barabáš
Documentary | 67 min. | 2018
ROLE: editor
2019 - Grand Prize - Medzinárodný festival outdoorových filmov,
2019 - Grand Prize pre najlepší dobrodružný film - Dijon International Adventure Film Festival, 17.-20.10.2019
2019 - Najlepší dobrodružný expedičný film - Nordic Adventure Film Festival, 19.-24.11.2019
2019 - Najlepší dokument - Medzinárodný horolezecký filmový festival, 22.-25.8.2019, Teplice nad Metují
2019 - Čestné uznanie -Waterwalker Film Festival
2019 - Hlavná cena v kategórií Stredoeurópskych filmov - Medzinárodný filmový festival Ekofilm, Brno
2019 - Špeciálne uznanie za kameru - Medzinárodný festival etnologických filmov, Belehrad
2019 - Tvorivá prémia - za réžiu, Slovenský filmový zväz, Únia slovenských televíznych tvorcov, Literárny fond, Bratislava
2019 - Čestné uznanie v kategórii Zem - festival Hory a Mesto, Bratislava
2019 - Čestné uznanie poroty - Medzinárodný festival horských filmov, Poprad
2017 - Addicted to Altitude

PRODUCER: K2studio
Documentary | 100 min. | SK | 2017
ROLE: editor
2018 - Najlepší horolezecký film - Ladek Mountain Festival, Poľsko
2018 - Zvláštna cena poroty - Medzinárodný festival horských filmov, Bansko
2018 - Najlepší horský a horolezecký film - Medzinárodný festival outdoorových filmov
2018 - Zvláštna cena poroty - Nordic Adventure Film Festival, Dánsko
2018 - Najlepší film v kategórií Inšpirácia - MFF T-film, 21.5.2019, Česká republika
2018 - Zvláštna cena poroty - Medzinárodný horolezecký filmový festival, Teplice nad Metují,
2018 - Cena Literárneho fondu za inovatívny prístup - Hory a mesto, Bratislava
2017 - Cena divákov - Medzinárodný festival horských filmov Poprad
2017 - Martin Ťapák
2016 - Fetiše televízie
Fetiše televízie
DIRECTOR: Šveda, Kerekeš a Sarkanyová
Documentary, TV series | 2016
ROLE: editor
DIRECTOR: Šveda, Kerekeš a Sarkanyová
Documentary, TV series | 2016
ROLE: editor
2016 - Freedom Under Load

DIRECTOR: Pavol Barabáš
PRODUCER: K2studio
Documentary | 58 min. | SK | 2016
ROLE: editor
2016 - Best Mountain Culture Film - VIMFF, Vancouver International Film Festival, Canada
2016 - The Prize for a Documentary - International Mountain Film Festival, Poprad, Slovakia
2016 - Audience Award - Cinematik, Piešťany, Slovakia
2016 - Grand Prix - Spotkania z Filmem Gorskim, Zakopane, Poland
2016 - Best documentary - International Mountaineering Film Festival, Teplice nad Metují, Czech Republic
2016 - Za sklom
2015 - Suri

DIRECTOR: Pavol Barabáš
PRODUCER: K2studio
Documentary | 65 min. | SK | 2015
ROLE: editor
2016 - The people´s choice Award - Expedicna kamera, 221 towns of Czech and Slovak Republic, 18.2.-15.4.2016
2016 - Best Film about Mountains, Sports and Adventure - Festival of Mountain Films Domžale, Slovenia, 15.-19.2.2016
2016 - Best Film - Go Kamera, Brno, Czech Republic
2015 - Best Film in Nature and Ecology Category - Bovec Outdoor Film Festival, Slovenia
2015 - The people´s choice Award - Bovec Outdoor Film Festival, Slovenia
2015 - Best Theme Award - Kolkata International Wildlife & Enviroment Film Festival India
2014 - Live for Passion

DIRECTOR: Pavol Barabáš
PRODUCER: K2studio
Documentary | 60 min. | SK | 2014
ROLE: editor
2015 - Grand Prize - Torello's International Festival of Mountain and Adventure Films
2015 - Alpine Camera in Gold - International Mountainfilm Festival Graz, 10.-14.11.2015, Austria
2015 - Honorable Mention - Tegernsee International Mountain Film Festival, 21.-25.10.2015, Germany
2015 - Best Man & Mountain Film Award - Mountain Film Festival in Ladek Zdroj, 17.-20.9.2015, Poland
2015 - General Partner Award - International Mountaineering Film Festival, Teplice nad Metují, 27.-30.8.2015, Czech republic
2015 - Honorable Mention in the category ROCK - Hory a mesto, 11.-15.3.2015, Bratislava, Slovakia
2015 - Parkstad Limburg Award - Dutch Mountain Film Festival, 23.2 - 1.3.2015, The Netherlands
2015 - TV Slovenia Award - Mountain Film Festival Domžale, 23.-27.2.2015, Slovenia
2014 - GRAND PRIX - International Festival of the Mountain Films, Poprad, 12.10.2014, Slovakia
2015 - 3rd Price Mountain Film Category - International Festival of Outdoor Films, 9.10.-12.12.2015, Czech rep., Slovakia, Russia
2014 - Audience Prize - International Festival of the Mountain Films, Poprad, 12.10.2014, Slovakia
2014 - The Polarman

DIRECTOR: Pavol Barabáš
PRODUCER: K2studio
Documentary | 55 min. | SK | 2014
ROLE: editor
2014 - Audience Prize - Snow Film Fest
2014 - Prize of Russian Science Academy - The Baikal International Film Festival for documentary and popular science films "People and Environment"
2014 - Audience Prize - festival Vysoke hory Nitra
2014 - Vrbovský veter
2012 - Angels
2011 - Pygmies: The Children of the Jungle

DIRECTOR: Pavol Barabáš
PRODUCER: K2studio
Documentary | 52 min. | SK | 2011
ROLE: editor
2014 - The Perseus Award - T-film, 28.-29.5.2014, Ostrava, Czech Republic
2014 - Audience Prize - film festival Expedicni kamera, Czech Republic, Slovakia
2013 - First Prize, travel category, Czech - Polish Festival of Outdoor Films
2013 - First Prize - Camera Slovakia, Bratislava
2012 - Grand Prix - Ekofilm Ostrava
2012 - Grand Prix - International Outdoor Film Festival, Czech Republic
2012 - Main festival prize - MFF Primus, Slovenia
2012 - The best Slovak film - Festival Moutains and the City 2012, Slovakia
2012 - Honourable mention – IX. IFF Tur Ostrava, Czech Republic
2012 - The best festival film - Go Kamera, Czech Republic
2012 - Film Journalists Award FIPRESCI - 17. Etnofilm Čadca 2012, Slovakia
2012 - Students Jury Award - 17. Etnofilm Čadca 2012, Slovakia
2011 - Trou de Fer - The Iron Hole

DIRECTOR: Pavol Barabáš
PRODUCER: K2studio
Documentary | 55 min. | SK | 2011
ROLE: editor
2012 - Award for a remarkable documentary depiction of a descent to the very bottom of a canyon - 15th Sportfilm Liberec Film Festival - International FICTS, Liberec, Czech Republic
2011 - The best documentary film in the category Mountaineering and mountain climbing - XIII. edition of the International mountain film festival INKAFEST, Huaraz, Peru
2012 - Best adventure film - XV. Moscow Film Festival Vertical
2011 - Viewers Prize - Fifth BOFF Bovec Outdoor Film Festival, Slovenia
2011 - Grand Prix - International Outdoor Film Festival, Czech Republic
2011 - Award for complete film realization in extreme conditions - International Festival of Mountain, Adventure and Extreme Sport Films, Bansko, Bulgaria
2011 - Silver Edelweiss - Festival de cinema de muntanya de Torelló, Spain
2011 - Jean-Marc Boivin Prize - Dijon International Adventure Film Festival, France
2011 - The Prize for Best Camera - International Mountain Film Festival Tegernsee, Germany
2011 - The Prize of the Jury - 19th International Mountain Film Festival in Poprad, Slovakia
2011 - Viewers Prize - 19th International Mountain Film Festival in Poprad, Slovakia
2011 - The Prize for the Best Documentary Film - 1st Istanbul International FICTS Festival, Turkey
2011 - Grand Prix - Mountain Review in Ladek Zdroj
2011 - Viewers Prize - Mountain Review in Ladek Zdroj
2011 - The Award in the Free Category - 8th International Film Festival Water, Sea and Oceans, Hluboká nad Vltavou, Czech Republic
2011 - Viewers Prize- 7th edition of the International Mountain Film Festival in Zakopane
2007 - Demons

DIRECTOR: Róbert Šveda
PRODUCER: D.N.A. production
Fiction, The episodic movie | 105 min. | SK | 2007
ROLE: editor (strihač prvej a druhej poviedky. tretiu poviedku realizovali Marek Šulík a Matej Beneš)
2008 - Igric za televíznu a dramatickú tvorbu
2008 - Zlatý debut - Třinecké filmové babie leto
2007 - Cena slovenskej filmovej kritiky za najlepší film roka
- 2017 - Výročná cena ASFS za strih v televíznej audiovizuálnej tvorbe - PRVÁ: Zora Jesenská
Film Awards
- 2020 - Everest, the Hard Way - Best Adventure - Medzinárodný festival horských filmov SHH Ushuaia
- 2020 - Everest, the Hard Way - Cena Poľského horolezeckého klubu - Moc Gór
- 2020 - Everest, the Hard Way - Cena TV Noe - Medzinárodný festival outdoorových filmov
- 2020 - Everest, the Hard Way - Cena divákov - BBK Mendi Film Festival, Bilbao,
- 2020 - Svetozár Stračina - Cena študentskej poroty - Moc Gór
- 2020 - Everest, the Hard Way - Grand Prix - Medzinárodný festival horských filmov Poprad
- 2020 - Everest, the Hard Way - Grand Prix - Medzinárodný horolezecký filmový festival
- 2020 - Everest, the Hard Way - Grand Prix -Echo Mountain Film Festival, Macedónsko
- 2020 - Salto is the King - Najlepší dobrodružný film, Medzinárodný festival horských filmov Poprad
- 2020 - Salto is the King - Najlepší film o prírode a objavovaní, Festival horských filmov Ladek Zdroj
- 2020 - Svetozár Stračina - Strieborný turoň - Etnofilm
- 2019 - Spirit of Jaguar - Grand Prize - Medzinárodný festival outdoorových filmov,
- 2019 - Spirit of Jaguar - Grand Prize pre najlepší dobrodružný film - Dijon International Adventure Film Festival, 17.-20.10.2019
- 2019 - Spirit of Jaguar - Hlavná cena v kategórií Stredoeurópskych filmov - Medzinárodný filmový festival Ekofilm, Brno
- 2019 - Spirit of Jaguar - Najlepší dobrodružný expedičný film - Nordic Adventure Film Festival, 19.-24.11.2019
- 2019 - Spirit of Jaguar - Najlepší dokument - Medzinárodný horolezecký filmový festival, 22.-25.8.2019, Teplice nad Metují
- 2019 - Spirit of Jaguar - Tvorivá prémia - za réžiu, Slovenský filmový zväz, Únia slovenských televíznych tvorcov, Literárny fond, Bratislava
- 2019 - Spirit of Jaguar - Čestné uznanie -Waterwalker Film Festival
- 2019 - Spirit of Jaguar - Čestné uznanie poroty - Medzinárodný festival horských filmov, Poprad
- 2019 - Spirit of Jaguar - Čestné uznanie v kategórii Zem - festival Hory a Mesto, Bratislava
- 2019 - Spirit of Jaguar - Špeciálne uznanie za kameru - Medzinárodný festival etnologických filmov, Belehrad
- 2018 - Addicted to Altitude - Cena Literárneho fondu za inovatívny prístup - Hory a mesto, Bratislava
- 2018 - Addicted to Altitude - Najlepší film v kategórií Inšpirácia - MFF T-film, 21.5.2019, Česká republika
- 2018 - Addicted to Altitude - Najlepší horolezecký film - Ladek Mountain Festival, Poľsko
- 2018 - Addicted to Altitude - Najlepší horský a horolezecký film - Medzinárodný festival outdoorových filmov
- 2018 - Addicted to Altitude - Zvláštna cena poroty - Medzinárodný festival horských filmov, Bansko
- 2018 - Addicted to Altitude - Zvláštna cena poroty - Medzinárodný horolezecký filmový festival, Teplice nad Metují,
- 2018 - Addicted to Altitude - Zvláštna cena poroty - Nordic Adventure Film Festival, Dánsko
- 2017 - Addicted to Altitude - Cena divákov - Medzinárodný festival horských filmov Poprad
- 2016 - Freedom Under Load - Audience Award - Cinematik, Piešťany, Slovakia
- 2016 - Suri - Best Film - Go Kamera, Brno, Czech Republic
- 2016 - Suri - Best Film about Mountains, Sports and Adventure - Festival of Mountain Films Domžale, Slovenia, 15.-19.2.2016
- 2016 - Freedom Under Load - Best Mountain Culture Film - VIMFF, Vancouver International Film Festival, Canada
- 2016 - Freedom Under Load - Best documentary - International Mountaineering Film Festival, Teplice nad Metují, Czech Republic
- 2016 - Freedom Under Load - Grand Prix - Spotkania z Filmem Gorskim, Zakopane, Poland
- 2016 - Freedom Under Load - The Prize for a Documentary - International Mountain Film Festival, Poprad, Slovakia
- 2016 - Suri - The people´s choice Award - Expedicna kamera, 221 towns of Czech and Slovak Republic, 18.2.-15.4.2016
- 2015 - Live for Passion - 3rd Price Mountain Film Category - International Festival of Outdoor Films, 9.10.-12.12.2015, Czech rep., Slovakia, Russia
- 2015 - Live for Passion - Alpine Camera in Gold - International Mountainfilm Festival Graz, 10.-14.11.2015, Austria
- 2015 - Suri - Best Film in Nature and Ecology Category - Bovec Outdoor Film Festival, Slovenia
- 2015 - Live for Passion - Best Man & Mountain Film Award - Mountain Film Festival in Ladek Zdroj, 17.-20.9.2015, Poland
- 2015 - Suri - Best Theme Award - Kolkata International Wildlife & Enviroment Film Festival India
- 2015 - Live for Passion - General Partner Award - International Mountaineering Film Festival, Teplice nad Metují, 27.-30.8.2015, Czech republic
- 2015 - Live for Passion - Grand Prize - Torello's International Festival of Mountain and Adventure Films
- 2015 - Live for Passion - Honorable Mention - Tegernsee International Mountain Film Festival, 21.-25.10.2015, Germany
- 2015 - Live for Passion - Honorable Mention in the category ROCK - Hory a mesto, 11.-15.3.2015, Bratislava, Slovakia
- 2015 - Live for Passion - Parkstad Limburg Award - Dutch Mountain Film Festival, 23.2 - 1.3.2015, The Netherlands
- 2015 - Live for Passion - TV Slovenia Award - Mountain Film Festival Domžale, 23.-27.2.2015, Slovenia
- 2015 - Suri - The people´s choice Award - Bovec Outdoor Film Festival, Slovenia
- 2014 - Live for Passion - Audience Prize - International Festival of the Mountain Films, Poprad, 12.10.2014, Slovakia
- 2014 - The Polarman - Audience Prize - Snow Film Fest
- 2014 - The Polarman - Audience Prize - festival Vysoke hory Nitra
- 2014 - Pygmies: The Children of the Jungle - Audience Prize - film festival Expedicni kamera, Czech Republic, Slovakia
- 2014 - Live for Passion - GRAND PRIX - International Festival of the Mountain Films, Poprad, 12.10.2014, Slovakia
- 2014 - The Polarman - Prize of Russian Science Academy - The Baikal International Film Festival for documentary and popular science films "People and Environment"
- 2014 - Pygmies: The Children of the Jungle - The Perseus Award - T-film, 28.-29.5.2014, Ostrava, Czech Republic
- 2013 - Pygmies: The Children of the Jungle - First Prize - Camera Slovakia, Bratislava
- 2013 - Pygmies: The Children of the Jungle - First Prize, travel category, Czech - Polish Festival of Outdoor Films
- 2012 - Trou de Fer - The Iron Hole - Award for a remarkable documentary depiction of a descent to the very bottom of a canyon - 15th Sportfilm Liberec Film Festival - International FICTS, Liberec, Czech Republic
- 2012 - Trou de Fer - The Iron Hole - Best adventure film - XV. Moscow Film Festival Vertical
- 2012 - Pygmies: The Children of the Jungle - Film Journalists Award FIPRESCI - 17. Etnofilm Čadca 2012, Slovakia
- 2012 - Pygmies: The Children of the Jungle - Grand Prix - Ekofilm Ostrava
- 2012 - Pygmies: The Children of the Jungle - Grand Prix - International Outdoor Film Festival, Czech Republic
- 2012 - Pygmies: The Children of the Jungle - Honourable mention – IX. IFF Tur Ostrava, Czech Republic
- 2012 - Pygmies: The Children of the Jungle - Main festival prize - MFF Primus, Slovenia
- 2012 - Pygmies: The Children of the Jungle - Students Jury Award - 17. Etnofilm Čadca 2012, Slovakia
- 2012 - Pygmies: The Children of the Jungle - The best Slovak film - Festival Moutains and the City 2012, Slovakia
- 2012 - Pygmies: The Children of the Jungle - The best festival film - Go Kamera, Czech Republic
- 2011 - Trou de Fer - The Iron Hole - Award for complete film realization in extreme conditions - International Festival of Mountain, Adventure and Extreme Sport Films, Bansko, Bulgaria
- 2011 - Trou de Fer - The Iron Hole - Grand Prix - International Outdoor Film Festival, Czech Republic
- 2011 - Trou de Fer - The Iron Hole - Grand Prix - Mountain Review in Ladek Zdroj
- 2011 - Trou de Fer - The Iron Hole - Jean-Marc Boivin Prize - Dijon International Adventure Film Festival, France
- 2011 - Trou de Fer - The Iron Hole - Silver Edelweiss - Festival de cinema de muntanya de Torelló, Spain
- 2011 - Trou de Fer - The Iron Hole - The Award in the Free Category - 8th International Film Festival Water, Sea and Oceans, Hluboká nad Vltavou, Czech Republic
- 2011 - Trou de Fer - The Iron Hole - The Prize for Best Camera - International Mountain Film Festival Tegernsee, Germany
- 2011 - Trou de Fer - The Iron Hole - The Prize for the Best Documentary Film - 1st Istanbul International FICTS Festival, Turkey
- 2011 - Trou de Fer - The Iron Hole - The Prize of the Jury - 19th International Mountain Film Festival in Poprad, Slovakia
- 2011 - Trou de Fer - The Iron Hole - The best documentary film in the category Mountaineering and mountain climbing - XIII. edition of the International mountain film festival INKAFEST, Huaraz, Peru
- 2011 - Trou de Fer - The Iron Hole - Viewers Prize - 19th International Mountain Film Festival in Poprad, Slovakia
- 2011 - Trou de Fer - The Iron Hole - Viewers Prize - Fifth BOFF Bovec Outdoor Film Festival, Slovenia
- 2011 - Trou de Fer - The Iron Hole - Viewers Prize - Mountain Review in Ladek Zdroj
- 2011 - Trou de Fer - The Iron Hole - Viewers Prize- 7th edition of the International Mountain Film Festival in Zakopane
- 2008 - Demons - Igric za televíznu a dramatickú tvorbu
- 2008 - Demons - Zlatý debut - Třinecké filmové babie leto
- 2007 - Demons - Cena slovenskej filmovej kritiky za najlepší film roka